Thursday, November 12, 2015

Mt. Rushmore "Shrine of Democracy"...Keystone, South Dakota

DATE:  October 7, 2015

HISTORICAL SITE:  Mount Rushmore (Shrine of Democracy)

LOCATION:  13000 SD-244, Keystone, Pennington Co., South Dakota  57751

MARKER #:  66000718

DEDICATED:  October 15, 1966


Not quite as breathtaking as the Grand Canyon or the Painted Desert, Mt. Rushmore is still a sight to see. I can write all kinds of adjectives to describe the size and undertaking this must have been but it’s one of those things you need to see for yourself. Where the Grand Canyon’s beauty lies in its creation, no matter how you felt that happened, the grandeur of Mt. Rushmore is man’s determination to leave a lasting memorial to a great nation.

The mountain was known by its Native American name “Six Grandfathers” and was part of the Lakota Nation. After the Great Sioux War of 1876, the U.S. seized lands given to the Lakota in perpetuity as part of the Treaty of Fort Laramie in 1868. The mountain was renamed Mt. Rushmore after Charles E. Rushmore led an expedition to the area in 1885.

A state historian of South Dakota, Doane Robinson, came up with the idea of carving in the mountains. He knew it would bring tourists…and dollars…to the area. He contacted a sculptor who was unavailable. Robinson knew of Gutzon Borglum but he was currently working in Georgia on a monument to General Lee. Borglum was in a dispute with the developers and when Robinson approached him, he eagerly signed on.
On board with the project, there was disagreement between Robinson who wanted something that represented the west (Lewis & Clark, Buffalo Bill Cody, Red Cloud), while Borglum felt it should be something more on a national level.

Borglum wanted the memorial to speak to the “spirit and ideals of American geographical expansion and political development”. The two almost immediately agreed upon Washington and Lincoln and for some time, these were the only sculptures that were going to be done.

It was Borglum who ultimately decided on the 4 presidents. To me, three were very obvious choices, but I had a problem with Roosevelt until I read why he was picked.

Washington…for contribution to the struggle for independence and the establishment of the government and constitution.

Jefferson…for his firm belief of government by the people, but also the purchase of the Louisiana territory that was a great example of the spirit of American continental growth.

Lincoln for equality of all men and the preservation of the union.

Roosevelt for the role of the U.S. in world affairs and definitely reflecting the restless spirit that made the ocean to ocean republic inevitable.

Now that the subjects were picked, they needed the funding. Robinson wanted the funds to come from South Dakota but the voters didn’t see the same economic vision he had. Borglum went to the Sec of the Treasury for funding. He asked for only ½ of the funds necessary thinking he wouldn’t have problems getting the “matching” funds from private sources. The Senator introducing the funding bill was stunned that Borglum turned down the offer of full funding.

Mount Rushmore National Memorial was established in October 1925 to “symbolize the spirit and ideas of westward expansion of America and the growth of democratic ideals and institutions”.

Legislation passed giving $250,000.00 in “matching” funds collected elsewhere. It was those matching funds that caused problems until finally it was dropped and the Feds took up full funding in later years.

Drilling began in late 1927 with the cornerstone being laid and President Coolidge’s dedication on August 10, 1927. Borglum started with 16 former Black Hills gold miners and ended training more than 300 men during the life of the project.

The Washington bust was unveiled on July 4, 1930 and work started that same year on Jefferson but as they worked, it was realized there wasn’t enough room on Washington’s left to finish. The outline was blasted away in 1934 and started again on Washington’s right. Jefferson’s bust was dedicated on August 30, 1936 with President Roosevelt speaking at the unveiling.

A bill introduced in 1937 for funding included that the bust of Susan B. Anthony would be added to the monument. The reasons it failed can be argued, but the official reason was because of a mandate that federal funds could only be used on those carvings already begun.

In planning, Lincoln’s bust was supposed to be directly to Jefferson’s right but had to be moved farther to make room for the two already completed. Lincoln’s was dedicated on September 17, 1938.

The position of the Roosevelt bust needed to be between Jefferson and Lincoln, but Borglum wasn’t sure there was enough surface for sculpting. After blasting away 120 feet of granite, suitable stone was uncovered and the bust was dedicated on July 2, 1939.

Gutzon Borglum died in March 1941, with the project incomplete. The figures were supposed to be from the waist up but funding dried up and Borglum’s son oversaw the scaled back finishing.

Before Borglum’s death he had said the monument would be there “until the wind and rain alone shall wear them away”.

In the end, 400,000 + tons of rock was blasted away with a final cost of $989,992.32

More importantly, in the 14 years of blasting and sculpting, absolutely no lives were lost.

Dirk and I messed up by not realizing there was an exhibit area until about 30 minutes before it closed so we had to hurriedly go through and I’m sure we missed a lot. Maybe we’ll get back there some day.

One of the notes that I had made during the trip really should have been included in the “Missouri Here I Come” blog. It’s a new game I call “Deer Dodge”. You know the signs we’ve all seen…Deer Crossing…I’ve always wondered what I would do if one actually crossed.

My first experience with it was back in June when Dirk and I were coming back from St. Louis. A deer jumped on to the freeway in front of us. Thankfully, there was only us and one other car nearby. The other car ducked in behind me…oh sure, let me hit the darn thing. I slowed WAY down and it finally trotted off.

So in all these years, that is the only deer I’ve seen on a highway…until now. From about ½ way through Wyoming, we’ve seen the occasional deer on the side of the road. Yes, alive. Then last night, after we left the Oregon Trail Ruts, we had to slow to a crawl because a few deer in the road. Then tonight, after leaving Mt. Rushmore, I’ve seen many deer on the road or near the road. Nothing like a deer passing in front of you to raise your heart rate and make you pay much closer attention to the road at dusk and nightfall.

I really never want a story to start with…remember that deer I hit?

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